Buy RootsMagic 10 UK

There are three editions of RootsMagic UK to choose from. Here is a comparison to help you decide which version is the best one for you. When you click to buy an item you’ll be taken to our secure ordering system on

We also offer an upgrade, which is all you need if you’ve previously purchased an older version of RootsMagic UK. Visit the New Features page to view all the benefits of upgrading, or see below for a summary of the new features.

RootsMagic UK 10 is designed to work seamlessly on both Windows and Mac.


  • Wide range of charts and reports
  • Add photos to bring your family history to life
  • Plan your next move with research tools
  • Create a beautiful family history web site
  • Map your family history
Father and daughter look at laptop Father and daughter look at laptop
Father and son look at laptop Father and son look at laptop
Father shows young daughter Family Tree Father shows young daughter Family Tree
Group of five look at laptop Group of five look at laptop
Group of four look at laptop Group of four look at laptop

Full Version Comparison

RootsMagic UK Standard

Includes a quick start manual and Cassell's Gazetteer of Great Britain & Ireland 1893.

  • RootsMagic Program tick
  • Quick Start Guide tick
  • Cassell's Gazetteer of Great Britain & Ireland 1893 tick
  • Online Subscription to tick
  • Visitation of England & Wales 1893-1921 tick
  • History of the Commoners of Great Britain & Ireland 1835 tick
  • Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography tick
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RootsMagic UK Platinum

The RootsMagic UK Platinum Edition has everything you need to organise your family history research.

  • RootsMagic Program tick
  • Quick Start Guide tick
  • Cassell's Gazetteer of Great Britain & Ireland 1893 tick
  • Online Subscription to tick
  • Visitation of England & Wales 1893-1921 tick
  • History of the Commoners of Great Britain & Ireland 1835 tick
  • Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography tick
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RootsMagic UK Basic

The full RootsMagic program, without any of the extra content found in the Standard or Platinum editions.

  • RootsMagic Program tick
  • Quick Start Guide tick
  • Cassell's Gazetteer of Great Britain & Ireland 1893 tick
  • Online Subscription to tick
  • Visitation of England & Wales 1893-1921 tick
  • History of the Commoners of Great Britain & Ireland 1835 tick
  • Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography tick
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Upgrade Version

If you’ve previously bought RootsMagic, you can upgrade to the latest version. There are many benefits to upgrading and lots of new features.
The new features in version 10 include:

DNA Matches:
  • Easily track DNA matches for any person
  • Track test service, date, shared centimorgans, shared %, and more
  • Include notes for any DNA match
  • Keep track of user names from provider for each match
  • View tree relationships and DNA predicted relationships side by side
  • Leeds Method report for DNA clustering
  • DNA Kinship list shows all relationships to a start person (both tree relationship and predicted DNA relationship)
  • Enhanced Searching:
  • Advanced search now includes searching by family line, genetics, individual, or family
  • Criteria group rules now includes searching by family line, genetics, individual, or family
  • Can save (and reuse) full advanced search and criteria groups with new search rules
  • Advanced couple list search lets you search on both husband and wife simultaneously
  • Search on # of shared facts
  • Search on proof for facts (and Any fact)
  • Health History:
  • Track unlimited health conditions (illness, disease, accidents) for each person
  • Customizable Family Health History report shows health conditions for a person and all immediate family members
  • Health Conditions list shows any group of people who share the same health condition
  • Updated Help System:
  • Context sensitive help lets you press F1 to get help on whatever you are doing
  • Help can be accessed either online or local on your computer
  • Simplified Group Access:
  • Add, edit, or delete a group directly from the Groups side panel
  • Directly refresh any "saved rules" group directly from the Groups side panel
  • New Tools:
  • Globally add a fact to everyone in a group
  • Copy a persons fact to one or more other people
  • Move a persons fact to another person
  • Printing and Reports:
  • Family Health History report
  • DNA Kinship report
  • Leeds Method report for DNA clustering
  • Health Conditions list shows any group of people who share the same health condition
  • Kinship List includes option to filter which people to include (everyone, list, or group)
  • Ease of Use:
  • Copy a book in Publisher
  • Quickly hide / show the folder list on the Tasks page
  • More viewable lists in Enhanced Properties
  • Lists from the Enhanced Properties can now be printed
  • Lists of unused records (places, citations, etc) from the Enhanced Properties now allow you to delete
  • Enhanced capabilities when adding a shared fact
  • Find Everywhere now supports saving or printing results
  • Quickly switch between color code sets from any view
  • Other:
  • Optionally display surname before given names (for an individual name) for certain cultures
  • Import Lists lets you select specific records to import from the other file
  • Sort basic or advanced search results by any column displayed
  • Half relationship support in relationship calculator, set relationships, relationship chart, kinship list, DNA kinship list, and DNA view
  • Citation quality now supports Source:Authored and Information:Undetermined
  • Numerous minor enhancements
  • Upgrade
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    The upgrade is supplied as a download. You will receive a download link and registration key via email.

    Laptop with software illustration